
Showing posts from December, 2016

12v Light Dark Switch Circuit Diagram

This is the 12v Light / Dark Switch Circuit Diagram. Often, for certain low voltage lighting systems; you would like to turn off the lights during the bright light of the day.  Most commercial day/night switches are designed for AC lighting.  This hobby circuit below was designed for a 12v DC system.  But, it could be modified for other voltage as well.  It uses an inexpensive photo-transistor as the light detector.  An n-channel FET is used to switch power to the lights.  A transistor circuit is included to provide some hysteresis.   This keeps the circuit from fluttering the light during the transition from day to night and night to day.  It is recommended that a plastic tube be placed over the transistor to prevent it from being illuminated by the lights it is controlling.  By selecting the appropriate power FET, the circuit could control over 100 watts worth of 12v lighting.   (July 22, 2008) 12v Light / Dark Switch Circuit...

Mains Manager Circuit Diagram

Very often we forget to switch off the peripherals like monitor, scanner, and printer while switching off our PC. The problem is that there are separate power switches to turn the peripherals off. Normally, the peripherals are connected to a single of those four-way trailing sockets that are plugged into a single wall socket. If that socket is accessible, all the devices could be switched off from there and none of the equipment used will require any modification.  Here is a mains manager circuit that allows you to turn all the equipment on or off by just operating the switch on any one of the devices; for example, when you switch off your PC, the monitor as well as other equipment will get powered down automatically. You may choose the main equipment to control other gadgets.  The main equipment is to be directly plugged into the master socket, while all other equipment are to be connected via the slave socket. The mains supply from the wall socket is to be connected to the i...


This is a unique flasher circuit employing a single driver transistor that takes its flash-rate from a flashing LED. The flasher within the photo is 3mm. An ordinary LED won't work. The flash rate can not be altered by the brightness of the high-bright white LED will be adjusted by altering the 1k resistor across the 100u electrolytic to 4k7 or 10k. The 1k resistor discharges the 100u in order that when the transistor activates, the charging current into the 100u illuminates the white LED. If a 10k discharge resistor is used, the 100u isn't absolutely discharged and therefore the LED doesn't flash as bright. All the components within the photo are within the same places as within the circuit diagram to make it simple to envision how the components are connected. The circuit uses a flashing LED to flash a super-bright 20,000mcd white LED

Sweet Feets Distortion


2 3 Watt Low audio power amplifier

These amplifiers using IC KA2202 and KA2207, which has a power output of 2.3 Watt berimpedansi 4 ohms. Minimum supply voltage and maximum 5Volt 20Volt. See schematics and component list below. Part List  R1 = 100K R2 = 56R R3 = 56R R4 = 1R Use 1/4 Watt resistor C1 = 100uF C2 = 100uF C4 = 100uF C5 = 470uF C6 = 100nF C7 = 470pF C8 = 2,2nF C9 = 100uF U1 = KA2202 , KA2207

Dark Activated Terrace Lamp Circuit Diagram

Compact circuit, Can be wired in parallel to existing switches This device allows one or more lamps to illuminate at sunset and turn off at dawn.Q1 and Q2 form a trigger device for the SCR, providing short pulses at 100Hz frequency. Pulse duration is set by R2 and C1.When the light hits R1, the photo resistor assumes a very low resistance value, almost shorting C1 and preventing circuit operation. When R1 is in the dark, its resistance value becomes very high thus enabling circuit operation.   Circuit Diagram: Dark Activated 220 volt AC Lamp Circuit Diagram Parts: R1 = LDR R2 = 100K R3 = 200K R4 = 470R R5 = 12KR6 = 1KR7 = 470R C1 = 10nF-63V D1 = TIC106D D2 = 1N4007D3 = 1N4007D4 = 1N4007 D5 = 1N4007 Q1 = BD327 Q2 = BD337 SK1 = Female Mains Socket   Notes: R3 allows fine setting of operating threshold and R2 value can be raised to 150K maximum. Several lamps wired in parallel can be connected to the circuit, provided total power dissipation of the load does not exceed about 300...

Sony KV20TS50 Trinitron TV Circuit Diagram Schematic

Sony Trinitron KV20TS50 - Circuit Diagram SMPS Main board Click on the schematics to zoom in