Parallel Phone Tap Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram

In a recent article, I discussed the difference between parallel and series telephone taps. In this article, I present a very simple and reliable parallel phone tap circuit useful for recording telephone conversations onto a tape recorder.
When installing a telephone tap, its advisable not to cut the telephone line in anyway. Cutting the telephone line for any time is detectable, and therefore series devices can be detected in this way. Parallel devices can be installed without cutting any telephone wires, and is thus harder to detect.
The diagram shows a simple circuit using just 6 very cheap and common components. To build the circuit, you will need some Veroboard or prototype board (whatever you favourite is), some wire, and a 3.5mm plug that will connect to your tape recorder’s microphone input socket. I have left it to the reader to work this bit out, as its very simple to do but quite awkward to explain!


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