Simple Analog to Digital Converter with LT1018

This is a Simple Analog-to-Digital Converter with LT1018. An analog-to-digital converter (abbreviated ADC, A/D or A to D) is a device that converts a continuous physical quantity (usually voltage) to a digital number that represents the quantity's amplitude.The converter has a 60-ms conversion consumes 460 pA of 1's. 5 V power supply and maintains an accuracy of 10 bits on a 15 ° C in the temperature range of 35 ° C. 

 Simple Analog-to-Digital Converter with LT1018 Circuit Diagram

Simple Analog-to-Digital Converter with LT1018 Circuit Diagram

A pulse applied to convert the command line causes Q3, operating in reverse mode, the discharge path through the diode 10 kO, forcing its collector low. Q3 results of reverse mode switching in a capacitor discharge to 1 mV of ground. During the time of the ramp value is less than the input voltage, output of the CIA is low. 

This allows pulses ClB stabilized quartz oscillator, modulating Q4. The output data appears at the collector of Q4. When the ramp crosses the starting value of the output voltages of the CIA is going up, Q4 polarization and output data continuously. The number of pulses at the output is directly proportional to the input voltage. To celebrate cali apply 0.5V to the input and the TRIM-10 kO exactly 1000 pulses each time the conversion from the command line is pulsed.


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